My name is Akhmad Fatkhur Rokhman, born in Malang on October 20, 1996. Now
I live with my parents and two younger brothers I'm in Malang,
precisely in the alley billowing 6 number 65 RT / RW 04/05 Breadfruit
Malang. I was the first child of three children and I have a call Memed. My father was a greengrocer who once told me about Memed. At the time a toddler up to a year before my kindergarten, my dad told me that I was very naughty. One
of my delinquency was sleeping, my parents have brought me to the
station or perhaps to the square first, then I could take a nap, and
when sleep the night my father had asked me berkelilling highway, and a
lot of mischief that I made at the time My small. Until my father mumbled and said she was "Memeti" in Indonesian means annoying. As my father used to say, I immediately turned around and responded. Until now all the family, a neighbor in the village, and a school friend called me Memed. Except for elementary and junior high school teacher of mine who called me by name Fatkhur. Father selling vegetables in front of the house used to start buying merchandise to market at three in the morning. And start revealing trade at four-thirty morning until eight in the morning. Actually,
my father used to work as a builder, because my father said it was not
strong then pioneering new father selling vegetables three years. My mother is a housewife who every morning from ten to work in a massage parlor next alley my hometown. My mother was a housewife in the morning, and my mother was also a masseuse in the afternoon. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, I was able to go to school in SMAN 10 Malang and got a scholarship program Sampoerna Academy. With this I can learn to be independent and not depend on both parents. I am grateful to the scholarship program I was able to achieve more than me at the time in junior high. That's
because the nature of cooperation and professionalism helped the
family-owned nature of Sampoerna Academy students in general. I
had the pleasure of staying at the hostel Sampoerna Academy, with this I
can have a better attitude would have been expected from this
scholarship program. With these properties of socializing among students is high.Here I have aspirations to become a chemical engineer, and I will pray and try to continue college in ITB Bandung. And I want to help children in Indonesia to be educated that support them so that Indonesia becomes advanced.Thank you because I was accepted to study here. Learn Today Lead Tomorrow.